Tuesday, July 14, 2015



October 24, 2014
Doug Hadden, VP Products
It’s scary when economists are in general agreement. And, it makes common sense. Countries can’t escape the poverty trap without infrastructure. History shows economic growth brought on by railways and roads.
But there’s a catch: many observers suggest that infrastructure development can get out-of-hand. Can deplete revenue resources so that the infrastructure will be unsustainable. There’s sometimes a patronizing edge to this where it’s assumed that finance ministries in developing countries are unable to model this. Or, that corruption interferes too much with infrastructure development. (As if infrastructure corruption hasn’t happened in developed countries, as in North American trans-continental railways. Or, isn’t happening today in road construction contracts.)


La’o Hamutuk, the Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis,has significant concerns about the cost-benefits of many infrastructure projects and the sustainability of the petroleum fund.
On the other hand, Stephen P. Groff, Asian Development Bank Vice-President for East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, suggests that despite concerns that it could suffer from the “resource curse,” Timor-Leste’s leadership has followed a different path, adopting lessons from other resource-rich countries that prioritize stability and good governance. I’m no economist, but it seems to me that everyone has access to the same sets of facts. It’s difficult to rationalize Groff’s assertion that in “many instances Timor-Leste is already applying good practices” with assessments from La’o Hamutuk.


Groff points out that good procurement practices for infrastructure contracts has been established. And, there is an e-Procurement Portal, built by FreeBalance for tenders and publishing winning bidders. La’o Hamutuk uses information from this and the Timor-Leste Budget Transparency Portal, implemented by FreeBalance, to design in depth graphs with analysis. The results of infrastructure projects, including in-progress updates, is provided with pictures and documents on the Timor-Leste Government Results Portal, also built be FreeBalance. These data sources ought to align opinion more closely than it has.


Many countries have implemented transparency and procurement portals. Most of the systems that I’ve seen are standalone. There is often limited or superficial integration with back-office systems. Many Public Financial Management (PFM) professionals seem to think that this is the natural order of things. Different domains and different technology. This is where I disagree. But, it might be because I have better access to information.
PFM is all about controls – budget controls, commitments and segregation of duties. These critical government functions often become disconnected. Procurement contracts exceed the budget vote. A lack of funds in the bank to pay for completed work. Payment for phantom work.
The important thing about the portals in use by the Government of Timor-Leste is the tight integration with the back office. It’s a unified system.
·         No tender is issued in the Procurement Portal unless estimates have been budgeted and there is budget available – linking the core Financial budget control with the back end Procurement module process that is integrated with the Portal
·         This integration continues when the procurement document for the Portal is rendered from the back-end system as are the tender rules (such as how long before closing that the tender must be available
·         Of course, purchase orders are produced by the back-end system, if there is sufficient budget
·         The Contract Management module prevents improper payments and registers all actual expenditures to the core Financial system that updates the Budget Portal and Government Results Portal daily
·         Pictures and documentation collected in the Contract Management module update the Government Results Portal
No system is perfect, but this is the kind of technical infrastructure designed to reduce risk. And, to provide accurate data.
Now, if we can only get economists to agree…

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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Meeting of the Council of Ministers from July, 7th, 2015

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government
Dili, July 7th, 2015
Press Release
Meeting of the Council of Ministers from July, 7th, 2015
The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday, July 7th, 2015, in the meeting room of the Council of Ministers, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved:
1. Government Resolution on the Civil Service National Day
The Council of Ministers has set June 15th as the Civil Service National Day.
On June 15th, 2009, two important laws for the Administration were published: Law n. 5/2009, amending the Civil Service Statute, and Law n. 7/2009, establishing the Civil Service Commission.
The Civil Service National Day aims at honoring and acknowledging the merit of all of those who have committed themselves to the establishment of the State and the development of the institutions, in order to reach a fairer society, and it shall be marked all across the country, not giving however rise to grant of day off or national holiday.
·         2. Decree Law establishing the organic structure for the Ministry of Social Solidarity
The Ministry of Social Solidarity is, according to the Organic Structure of the Sixth Constitutional Government, “the central Government body responsible for the conception, coordination and assessment of the policy, set and approved by the Council of Ministers, for the areas of social welfare, social assistance, natural catastrophes and community reintegration”.
The organic structure is redesigned, in order to improve the efficiency of the direct and indirect administration by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, by providing it with the necessary competences, in order to increase the efficiency of policy development within their areas of tutelage. These policies are included in the Program of the Sixth Constitutional Government and in the Activity Plan for the Ministry of Social Solidarity for the period 2013-2017.
This diploma was elaborated by taking into account the work experience of the Ministry and the clear need to contribute towards an integrated social intervention, answering the challenges of a multidimensional vision on the poverty issues.

The Council of Ministers still analyzed:
·         1.Preparation of the General State Budget for 2016
The Council of Ministers has set the value intervals of the budget limit for the year of 2016. The final value will take into account the new essential projects for the execution of the Government Program. The assignment of budget limits for assets and services and for wages and salaries, by each government body, shall ensure the non-reduction of the due amounts and the budget reinforcement at the priority areas of health, education, agriculture and water and sanitation basic infrastructure.
The presentation by the Ministry of Finance follows a series of appointments and work meetings, involving various sectors, namely Budget Journeys, meetings at the Council of Ministers and interministerial meetings and of the work developed aiming to prepare the budget proposal for the next year. This proposal shall meet governmental guidelines aimed at the elaboration of a sustainable General State Budget, without superfluous expenditures, but ensuring an effective, efficient and fair service provision.

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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Vice Minister of Finance attended High-Level Dialogu

Vice Minister of Finance attended High-Level Dialogue on Enhancing Macro-Economic Resilience to Natural Disasters in Fiji

H.E. Mr. Helder Lopes, Vice Minister of Finance, attended the High-Level Dialogue on Enhancing Macro-Economic Resilience to Natural Disasters. The Dialogue, which took place on the 25th June 2015, in Nadi, Fiji, was organized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Asia Pacific Region and attended by the Ministers, Governors, and high level public service officials from the Pacific Island Countries including Timor-Leste and Seychelles.

The participants shared their experience and discussed the policies on how to enhance macro-economic resilience to natural disasters, aligning monetary policy to enhance resilience to shocks and support growth and minimizing the risk of debt distress arising from the natural disasters.

H.E. Vice Minister was one of the panelists in the event. He spoke specifically on the policies of strengthening ex-ante and ex-post resilience to natural disasters and the leverage of support from the Development Partners.

H.E. Helder Lopes, in his presentation, stated that drought and flooding were the two main natural disasters that affecting Timor-Leste most. He further elaborated that the policies that the Government had put into place to address these problems were “to set aside money a contingency fund, through the normal budget process, which amounts to an average of 5% of the total annual budget to response to ex-post disaster recovery”. He also added that “the Government starts to design and implement climate resilient infrastructures” in order to address ex-ante mitigation and prevention of the risks of natural disasters.

H.E Vice Minister, in his response to the effectiveness of the Donor’s coordination in the disaster management, emphasized the approach of “country owed and country led” under the New Deal Agreement. For further Donor’s assistance, H.E Mr. Helder Lopes proposed that Donors should focus on “the technical development of local staff” and most importantly on “the designing and implementation of the climate resilient infrastructures”.

Tara bandu: Homegrown Justice

I’d like to add some thoughts to this interesting article from SEA-Globe.

Navigating the dual justice systems in Timor-Leste – the formal justice system and the traditional justice system, both of which are recognized in the nation’s constitution – will be an ongoing going process that will need to be supported by awareness-raising and legal education both in the community and with legal professionals, and others who work in the justice sector.

USAID’s Ba Distrito project, through its Access to Justice components, is currently working to raise awareness among key decision makers in the community, as well as members of the community themselves about their rights under Timor-Leste’s Constitution, differences between civil and penal codes, criminal and civil procedures in Timor-Leste, and what the most appropriate justice pathways are for different cases.

Ba Distrito’s Baseline Survey, which was published in February of this year, found that the community has greater confidence in the effectiveness of suco-forum dispute resolution for a number of reasons, including suco-level justice provides faster outcomes, is easiest to access, shows more respect for traditional values, and provides the best outcomes for the community.

In the past month, Ba Distrito has implemented the following activities:
·         In partnership with JSMP, Ba Distrito has commenced training on Women’s Rights and Access to Justice, which is being delivered to 100 suco councils in Baucau, Covalima, Ermera, Liquica and Oecusse. The training has been well attended so far in Liquica and Ermera with strong representation by Xefe de Suku, Lia-Na’in, and women’s representatives. This training provides information about the difference between civil and criminal cases, paying special attention to domestic violence and women’s rights to property and inheritance. For those who are interested, some great photos of the training held in Liquica and Ermera can be found on Ba Distrito’s Facebook page.
·         Ba Distrito’s Access to Justice team has conducted a ‘train the trainer’ session with its legal aid partners – Fundasaun Fatuk Sinai Oeceusse (FFSO) in Oecusse, LIBERTA in Ermera and Liquica, and Comissão Justiça e Paz (JPC) in Baucau – to develop simple but effective ways to deliver legal information about the difference between criminal and civil cases as part of their community legal outreach. These sessions are designed to inform members of the community about the difference in the laws, and reinforce the fact that criminal cases of public nature such as domestic violence cases should proceed through the formal justice system. For those who are interested, some great photos of the ToT can be found on Ba Distrito’s Facebook page.
·         Just this week, Ba Distrito’s legal aid partners launched a series of audio dramas that will be used at community outreach sessions and will be aired on community radio. The topics covered in these dramas include the civil and penal codes of law in Timor-Leste, domestic violence law, roles and functions of judicial actors, women’s right to property, maintenance and alimony, and alternative dispute resolution.

In addition to the community awareness-raising and legal education, Ba Distrito also partners with NGO Belun to map the practice of alternative/traditional dispute resolution within the community in four municipalities as well as Oecusse special region. This will give us a snapshot of who are the providers of alternative/traditional dispute resolution in the community, who uses the resolution, and the types of cases that were solved through non-formal dispute resolution. Through evidence-based data gathering, this initiative, when completed, will serve as a reference to the GoTL in its efforts to develop a legislative framework that links both the formal and non-formal justice system, including its plan to regulate the traditional justice system.

Tara bandu: homegrown justice


A centuries-old form of community law and order known as tara bandu could hold the key to overcoming many of the difficulties in modern-day Timor-Leste

In Timor-Leste, marriage and funeral ceremonies can cost families a lot of money. Sometimes, their entire yearly earnings,” said Laurensius Lein, a conflict prevention and policy specialist for Belun, a Timorese NGO.
Maubisse, Timor-LesteInto thin air: Maubisse, high in Timor-Leste’s central valleys, is a typical town in theisland nation. Photo: Bernado Salce
But it is not just the immediate family that has to pay, he explained. It is custom for the extended family, and the local community, to contribute money, goods or even cattle, which are killed and eaten during the ceremonies. “We have had cases where each extended family is expected to offer ten cattle, and each cow can cost up to $500,” adds Lein, shaking his head.
To put this into context, another national NGO, La’o Hamutuk, estimates that the average monthly income per person in rural areas, where the majority of the Timorese people live, is less than $50.
“If someone cannot afford what is asked of them, there could be fighting during the ceremony. Or they could have a spell put on them that will bring them bad luck or death in the future,” Lein continued. “We make our lives poor because of these ceremonies. A family will spend all their money and even have to take loans, and then they say there is no money to send their children to school, afford decent healthcare and start to make savings.”
This would be a problem in any country. But in Timor-Leste, where La’o Hamutuk estimates that more than
half the population lives in poverty and that 41% of working-age citizens are unemployed, this is a major issue.
That is why, on a cold morning in April, about 20 men and women gathered outside a community centre in the small town of Maubisse, high in the tropical forests and a 70-kilometre drive south of the capital, Dili. For more than an hour they huddled by a pickup in thick overcoats, dragging intensely on cheap, Indonesian cigarettes.
“They are the xefes du suku [village leaders] and administrators for the sub-district,” explained Lein, who had come on behalf of Belun to assist with the meeting.
As the crowd took their seats, Adelino Espirito Santo, the cultural coordinator for the Maubisse sub-district, explained that the attendees would discuss imposing a limit on the amount of money that can be spent on marriage and funeral ceremonies – as well as the ceremony practised after the building of a traditional house – by using a centuries-old custom called tara bandu.
Tara Bandu, Timor-LesteListen up: tara bandu requires the participation of village leaders and others before rules are set. Photo: Bernado Salce
A joint report by Belun and the Asia Foundation in 2013, after an eight-month study, defined tara bandu as a “traditional Timorese custom that enforces peace and reconciliation through the power of public agreement to define social norms and practices to a given community”.
Tara bandu serves as an integral part of what is called lisan, a Timorese concept that defines social norms, morality, rituals and systems of community governance. Although opinions differ, tara bandu can be simplified as a system of local rules set by different communities. For example, it could limit how many trees are cut down in an area, settle cases of theft or even deal with domestic violence.
However, tara bandu is not a nationwide set of rules. Instead, each district, sub-district or even suku(collection of villages) might have its own distinct tara bandu. In Metinaro, a city in Dili district, stealing an animal requires the repayment of the same animal as punishment. While in Maubisse, one village leader told Southeast Asia Globe: “If someone steals a cow in my community, we say the thief has to repay one cow and sacrifice another for the community.”
Although tara bandu has existed for centuries, pre-dating Portuguese colonisation in the 16th Century, the Belun-Asia Foundation report claims that it has enjoyed a “resurgence” since Timor-Leste gained independence in 2002. Today, organisations including Belun, the Asia Foundation and USAID, as well as the government, support using tara bandu as a means of conflict prevention, poverty reduction and social cohesion.
“As practiced today, tara bandu often falls into three categories: regulations on human interactions with the environment, interactions with each other and interactions with animals,” said Todd Wassel, deputy country representative in Timor-Leste for the Asia Foundation and an author of the report. “It is generally perceived to prevent violent conflict and, as our report shows, when there is a tara bandu, people are calmer and more at ease.”
During the 2012 parliamentary election, Belun supported the Tutuala sub-district, located on the easternmost tip of the island, in the formation of a tara bandu to prohibit “aggressive political language” – something that, in the past, had stoked conflict in a country that was marked by political and regional divisions.
The government has occasionally supported tara bandu as well. In 2012, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries worked with village leaders in Daudere, in the east of the country, to introduce a tara bandu to restrict the cutting down of trees in a certain area in order to enable reforestation. In fact, according to the report, the former minister of justice, Dionisio Babo, expressed his support for tara bandu by stating that “customary practices can strengthen formal laws”.
Timor-Leste, Tara BanduAll ears: Maria de Silva lectures participants at a community meeting. She says that, in her experience, women are involved in tara bandu decision-making. Photo: Bernado Salce
“For human relations to the environment, tara bandu very much helps to reinforce a lot of the laws of the state, such as preventing degradation and allowing reforestation,” said Wassel. However, he added that this is not always so clear in other areas of the law and that, often, tara bandu and the formal justice system can be quite separate.
Later in the day, outside the Maubisse community centre, a village leader put it this way: “Many local people do not trust [formal] law and courts. We are used to settling matters locally, as we have done for centuries.”
Research by Belun has revealed similar views of the formal justice system in other rural areas of Timor-Leste. In one case, a local community claimed that $7,500 had been “wasted on a case” going to court, whereas it could have been settled for $200 through tara bandu.
However, concerns have been raised that, instead of supporting the rule of law, tara bandu could actually be undermining it. One particular area of concern is domestic violence. A 2010 demographic and health survey, carried out by the government, found that 36% of married women reported being victims of incidents of physical, sexual or emotional violence by their husbands.
“While a number of advantages of an informal justice system can be identified, [studies] point out that [these] mechanisms display serious shortcoming for female victims of domestic violence seeking access to justice,” stated a 2011 report by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) titledCustomary Law and Domestic
Violence in Timor-Leste
The UNDP report states that during local mediation there have been occasions when the emphasis has been put on “the woman’s behaviour that might have caused the violence, such as not cooking a meal, or failure to prioritise her responsibilities as a wife or mother”.
Timor-Leste’s penal code of 2009 designates domestic violence as a “public crime” that must be investigated and prosecuted by the state regardless of whether the victim has filed a complaint. But this is not always the case. In 2010, a judge in the southern city of Same closed a domestic violence case after the victim and perpetrator presented a peace agreement produced using tara bandu.
Furthermore, as is so often the case, there are no statistics for the number of domestic violence cases that fail to make it into the formal justice system and are instead dealt with locally. But as the UNDP report claims, if domestic violence is dealt with locally, then the female victims may not be able to access justice due to the “minimal and often superficial” participation of women in the decision-making positions of communities. However, Maria de Silva, a 24-year-old youth group worker in Maubisse, disagrees that women are not always part of the decision-making process of tara bandu. During the Maubisse meeting, the older men listened when she voiced her opinion, and after a brainstorming session she eagerly grabbed the felt-tip pen and lectured the others for 20 minutes about her group’s thoughts.
“Tara bandu is, of course, important for women,” she says, alternating between rudimentary English and Tetun, the Timorese language. Yet, she adds, she has never been made to feel excluded in her community and during discussions with the sub-district.
Wassel admits that tara bandu is not perfect, and improvements must and are being made, which is why numerous national and international NGOs are keen to offer their support to local communities. “In the future, the work will be around how to protect the human rights and civil liberties of the people living in tara bandu-regulated areas … and ensuring that the voices of women, the disabled and other marginalised peoples are heard,” he said. “But tara bandu is an integral part of the Timorese culture that will last for quite a long time”.
Lein echoes such an opinion. Speaking a few days after the Maubisse meeting, he was optimistic that the village leaders and sub-district administrators had agreed to introduce a limit the expenses for wedding, funeral and traditional house ceremonies of between $150 and $200. “Five people will write it down, check it against the Timor-Leste constitution and laws and then produce a presentation for the sub-district,” he said.
In an increasingly globalised world, despite certain drawbacks, customs such as tara bandu can offer a rare moment of community democracy. As one village chief said: “Tara bandu is our history. I hope it will be our future too.” 
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